Southern Charm Mini Aussies/Mini American Shepherds of Georgia
Karla and Chelsea Benjamin
Karla 770-241-1485 Chelsea 770-633-4119
10am to 9pm Daily for phone calls.
You may also friend me on Facebook at Karla Zimmerman Benjamin

Foods That Can Be Poisonous to Your Mini Aussie
Some foods that are considered good for people can be very dangerous for pets. The list below highlights some of the most common foods that can be dangerous to animals.
This is not an exhaustive list, and any decision to provide your pet with food not specifically intended for animals should be discussed with your veterinarian or pet nutritionist. 
The following foods may be dangerous to your pet

Alcoholic beverages 
Apple seeds 
Apricot pits 
Cherry pits
Candy (particularly chocolate—which is toxic to dogs, cats, and ferrets—and any candy containing the toxic sweetener Xylitol) 
Coffee (grounds, beans, and chocolate-covered espresso beans)
Gum (can cause blockages and sugar free gums may contain the toxic sweetener Xylitol)
Hops (used in home beer brewing) 
Macadamia nuts 
Moldy foods 
Mushroom plants 
Mustard seeds 
Onions and onion powder 
Peach pits 
Potato leaves and stems (green parts) 
Rhubarb leaves 
Tea (because it contains caffeine) 
Tomato leaves and stems (green parts) 
Xylitol (artificial sweetener that is toxic to pets)
Yeast dough